Supporting the Homeless. Volunteering at Caring in Bristol Part 2 by Tom McCarthaigh
After a warm welcome from a swell bunch of guys I was given a tour around the Caring in Bristol building. Its an impressive warehouse on the bottom floor with extensive space for food storage, other donations and space for beds. On the upper level admin takes place as well as a meeting room.
It was very encouraging to see the large quantities of food, blankets, washing utensils, clothes and other items which can be put to good use by someone in desperate circumstance. The fact that it was all donated by local people really boosted my respect for the Bristol community; to see such generosity was pleasantly surprising. We hear so much bad news and are constantly reminded of the evils of our world that we can forget that there are also good deeds and well intentioned people. It is a joy to be a part of such a project.
I got busy moving and packing boxes of donated items and was also left in charge of the food storage room (which was very trusting of them) where I arranged large quantities of edible items into separate set boxes. The food is separated into each compartment depending on types of content. I feel like part of the team already and I have been looking forward to Thursday all week! Supporting the Homeless. Volunteering at Caring in Bristol Part 1 by Tom McCarthaigh Blue Badge Company have created a employee volunteering scheme. Research shows that volunteering helps staff develop leadership, decision-making and negotiation skills. It can also help staff develop as individuals and boost morale. Over the next month Tom from Blue Badge Company will be sharing his experience of volunteering at a Homeless Charity in Bristol: "I am keen to be involved with this project because Bristol has a clear problem involving those without homes and those who are vulnerably housed.People can find themselves in a state of desperation when these situations come about. Bristol is generally a socially geared City that often invests in betterment groups and charitable causes so it makes sense to me to be more involved. There are several charities that work with those experiencing homelessness in Bristol but I believe 'Caring in Bristol' would be the right one for me due to its great reputation and its ongoing success dating back from 1987. They are also very open about their 'Reports and Accounts' which they have open to view on their very own web sight so you can see how the donations have been spent. This openness gives me way more trust in this organisation. In some cases not all Charities can account for the effectiveness of where cash donation has gone but that is not the case with 'Caring in Bristol'. As someone who aims to be socially aware and active this undoubtably appeals to me. I cannot wait to get busy. I have worked with several charitable organisations (such as running an art group for people with learning difficulties, working with people with mobility and being involved with a drug detoxification team) and so this this will be an exciting new project to get involved in. I am hoping that this will be an ongoing involvement. Heres to an exciting new project!"