Who To Cheer For at the London Marathon!
The London Marathon 2018 Will Take Place This Sunday, 22nd April
Who will you be supporting at the London Marathon? As the big race approaches, we found a few seriously worthy entrants to cheer for!
The British Para Athlete David Weir

First up is seven times winner of the Wheelchair Marathon event; David Weir. David Weir CBE will return to the Virgin Money London Marathon in 2018 aiming to win for a remarkable eighth time. Last year the British Paralympic hero took the record for number of wins from Tanni Grey Thompson. He out-sprinted Marcel Hug of Switzerland on The Mall to win his seventh London Marathon. Although he has not competed at the distance of the marathon since last year, he is confident of chances. “Winning my seventh London Marathon in 2017 was a moment I will never forget. The gap between my win in 2012 and last year’s victory was some time and I am sure there were people who began to doubt me. But I’ve always had confidence coming into the London Marathon. It is my home race, I know every inch of the course and I always believe I can win – and that will be the same this year.”
The North London Fire Brigade Teams

Uniting once again for Grenfell Tower, the first, heroic firefighters at the scene of the Grenfell fire will be running the London Marathon together to raise money in aid of survivors. The two teams of firefighters from Red Watch, North Kensington Fire Station and from the A21 Paddington Red Watch, were among the first crews on the scene at the awful tragedy on 14th June 2017. The Paddington crew will run the London Marathon, in full fire gear and breathing apparatus! This is by no means a small feat, as the fire gear alone weighs 15kg add to that the BA sets which weigh in excess of 15kg also. That's 30kg of extra kit! The teams are raising funds for various causes. The North Kensington Red Watch team are fundraising for Kids On The Green, a charity providing free counselling, therapy and opportunities for play, to children affected by the Grenfell Tower fire. The Paddington Red Watch team are raising funds for Grenfell related causes, The Rugby Portobello Trust, The Harrow Club W10 and The Firefighters Trust. Look out for them in their fire gear and donate here if you can: North Kensington Team:
https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/Run4GrenfellG27 Paddington Team:
https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/a21run4grenfell #LondonMarathon #SpiritofLondon
Lord’s Taverners, Giving Children A Sporting Chance

A team of 37 runners will be taking part in the 2018 London Marathon in aid of the UK’s leading youth cricket and disability sport charity, Lord’s Taverners. Lord's Taveners provide opportunities for disadvantaged children and disabled children through sport. Look out for them in their red, blue and green diagonal striped kit! You can donate to Lord’s Taverners here:
First Woman With Dwarfism to Run a Marathon Raising Money For Genetic Disorders UK

Judith Snape was born with a rare form of short-limbed dwarfism called Kyphomelic Dysplasia. After struggling with her condition throughout her life, Judith discovered a new positivity and vitality through running. She will run in the London Marathon as the first ever competitor with the condition. Judith is raising money for Genetic Disorders UK, helping individuals who suffer from a genetic disorder and their families, with a vision to improving their lives. An estimated 1 in 25 children are living with a genetic disorder so it is likely most of us know someone who is affected by this. You can donate to Judith's cause here: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=judithsnapelondonmarathon&pageUrl=3